My C2E2 2023 Panel Schedule
All the discussions I hope to attend at this year's C2E2 (even though that's impossible)
Hello! This month has been busy between the launch of the newsletter, a poll, and now a convention! I assure you, Devin’s Chicago Comics Book Club Digest will be settling into a once-a-month groove of comics reading, news, and essays from here on out.
The Chicago Comic and Entertainment Expo (C2E2) is this coming weekend, from Friday, March 31 to Sunday, April 2. Sadly, I won’t be able to take off work for Friday, which means missing one panel I’m very excited about. That night will be reserved for picking up my badge and trying to work up the nerve to converse with other people at the Hyatt Regency bar. I’m planning to cram as much experience as possible into my two remaining days to compensate!
I know a lot of people find panels a waste of time at conventions, but I absolutely love them. Should I focus on networking in Artist Alley? Maybe. But I love learning about comics, I love hearing people speak passionately about comics, and there’s a chance to meet people at panels, too. I have written about different panels I’ve attended in years past on my Medium page and I hope to do that again with some of the ones listed below.
Yes, there is some overlap. Lol My general strategy is to write down everything in which I’m interested and sort things out along the way. I’ve got a pretty long list of people I want to meet in Artist Alley this year, too, so some stuff is bound to get trimmed.
Without further ado, here we go! What sounds interesting to you? Do you enjoy this part of conventions or skip it altogether? Feel free to share your thoughts below!
My C2E2 Schedule
Saturday, April 1
The Rise of YA Graphic Novels & How They’re Bringing New Readers to Comics
Sat, Apr 1, 2023 • 11:15 AM - 12:15 PM
Location: S403-A
Comic Book and Graphic Novel Printing—Everything You Need to Know!
Sat, Apr 1, 2023 • 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
Location: S405-A
I think printing is one aspect of making comics that doesn’t get nearly as much coverage as it deserves. I’ve seen too many people, especially self-published and crowdfunded creators, get blindsided by the cost of it. This one might be a priority for me.
Comics Writing: What Makes a Great First Issue
Sat, Apr 1, 2023 • 12:45 PM - 1:45 PM
Location: S403-A
Sat, Apr 1, 2023 • 2:15 PM - 3:15 PM
Location: S502-A
Anything with “Networking” or “Connection” in the name is going to take precedence, since looking for a potential collaborator is very important to me. I’ve had spotty luck with mixing and mingling events, but the one I went to in San Diego has proven very fruitful so maybe my luck is changing.
Sat, Apr 1, 2023 • 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM
Location: S402
Skottie Young is a unique and entertaining cartoonist with a fun YouTube channel and I think it would be cool to see a spotlight on him and his work, but…
Sat, Apr 1, 2023 • 3:45 PM - 4:45 PM
Location: S502-A
See above.
Black Excellence in Fandom Spaces: I Belong Here!
Sat, Apr 1, 2023 • 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Location: S502-B
Movies/TV/Music and Creators Meetup
Sat, Apr 1, 2023 • 5:15 PM - 6:15 PM
Location: S502-A
My Favorite Monsters: Cryptids in Fiction
Sat, Apr 1, 2023 • 6:30 PM - 7:30 PM
Location: S403-B
Sunday, April 2
Sun, Apr 2, 2023 • 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Location: S502-A
Sun, Apr 2, 2023 • 11:15 AM - 12:15 PM
Location: S403-B
I know I said meetups take precedence, but this discussion will include Terry Moore, so I don’t know. I might have to flip a coin.
Cultivating Curiosity and Creativity with Comics
Sun, Apr 2, 2023 • 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
Location: S403-B
Music and Comics: The Sound of Postmodern Sequential Art
Sun, Apr 2, 2023 • 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Location: S402
Music is a huge artistic blind spot for me, but I notice a lot of great artists incorporating it into their work and writers providing playlists curated for the reading experience of their comics. I’d love to learn more about this interplay.
The Fic List; or, Taking Fan-Fiction (Mostly) Seriously
Sun, Apr 2, 2023 • 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Location: S403-B
Mutant and Proud! Why the X-Men Are So Important!
Sun, Apr 2, 2023 • 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM
Location: S402
I may not be up to date on what’s going on in the X-books, but I will always be a fan of them. I could wax rhapsodically about them all day. Also, this may end up being the closest to an LGBTQ+ panel I attend all weekend.
First Comics 40th Anniversary: Where It All Started
Sun, Apr 2, 2023 • 3:45 PM - 4:45 PM
Location: S403-A
Sun, Apr 2, 2023 • 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Location: S405-B
Another X-Men panel? Yes.
That’s everything! I’m a little disappointed that there isn’t more LGBTQ+ content. Not that we need yet another “gays in comics” panel, god help us, but both communities are diverse enough to accommodate a wide variety of material. Drag Cosplayers? BIPOC Queer Creators? Gay Romance and Manga? And those are just three ideas off the top of my head!
What do you think? Am I spreading myself too thin? Do you think I’m leaving out something important? I’d love to hear from you and maybe I’ll see you there!